Laughs and Jokes
10 Funny things to say before going under Anesthesia

Anesthesia can be a very traumatic experience for anyone. The person under anesthesia is unconscious and he doesn’t feel anything.
People have different reactions before anesthesia. Some people are laughing and saying they will get a rest period while others are stressed and maybe terrified because of this experience.
Whatever the situation may be humour always overcomes the pain.
You may some funny punch lines to relax yourself and show that you are calm. You can use the tips mentioned below to say funny things to before going under anesthesia.
See the surrounding
You should evaluate your surroundings, if doctors are present there and they are discussing something serious then you should not joke and pass on any unserious comment.
However, if doctors are not there it is just your family then you can go around and pass on some light comments.
This period is stressful for everyone so you should try to lighten the environment by passing on some jokes.
Stay positive
You should only joke about positive things and must not say any negative things or remember negative things.
You need to keep the environment positive and use some light hearted jokes.
This is a very crucial moment and any negative comment or joke can demoralize your family and friends.
If you are positive and confident then you must ensure the surroundings are also positive and have good vibes.
Engage with the Staff
Staff is going to be with you throughout the process and they also need to relax their mind. You can communicate with staff and tell them your funny stories and ask them their funny stories.
Interacting with staff often helps in lightening the environment of the operation theatre and also helps in doing the operation smoothly.
If the staff is responding to your humour positively then this is a sign that you can engage with them and share some funny puns with her.
Be yourself
When joking around you need to ensure that the jokes used are original and not copied from anywhere, if you have an original personality this will make your jokes more funny and will be more relatable.
If you copy jokes from the internet and try to impress people then this will not help because some people might have already heard that joke and feel like it is just a monotonous joke and won’t find it funny.
Understand the level of humour of the staff
You need to understand what is the level of the staff’s humour.
If they understand sarcasm and take jokes easily then you can use some good jokes but if you see that they are getting angry easily or are minding some personal jokes then you can be simple and use general jokes.
You must not joke about something personal which you know they won’t like and will get upset. Everyone has a different level of sarcasm.
Discuss recent news
You can discuss some recent world events or news with the staff in a joking manner. You can ask about who are they voting for and also sarcastically critique their options.
You can joke about how the celebrity was looking at the award function.
You can use the news of politicians to joke around.
Your jokes don’t need to be very serious and straightforward forward instead they could be something popular and trending. You can always discuss different topics.
Avoid Crude Humour
You must not be joking around about something insensitive or saying something that will be disliked by everyone in the operation theatre, be it your family or the staff in the theatre.
Funny things to say before going under Anesthesia
- Once everything is done I need a pizza treat.
- If I say something odd under anesthesia please don’t mind me.
- I want to become a superhero after this surgery.
- It’s time to take a grand nap of 8 hours.
- I want to see a good movie while I am under anesthesia.
- Let’s hope I don’t reach in any other world.
- Can I touch a clock if I see the clock in my dream?
- I have wanted this rest for a long, finally, some quality sleep without the tension of my boss asking me to submit an excel sheet on time.
- I’ve always wanted to be part of a science experiment.
- What if doctors give me some wrong injection and I become a monster?
While anesthesia can be a traumatic event for many people you need to ensure that you keep a humorous environment in the operation theatre.
If the environment is too serious then you might find it difficult for the operation to proceed as it will cause you to constantly think about the operation.
Remember, this is done to lighten the mood and make everything a little less nerve-wracking for both parties.
With a well timed joke and a touch of charm, you really can turn what might otherwise be a stressful situation into an unforgettable and perhaps enjoyable one.
Hey there! I'm Hareem, a psychology pro and a Passionate Blogger who's obsessed with understanding how we connect, communicate, and create meaning through our messages.
At Response Seek, we're not just talking. We're decoding the subtle language of human connection, turning each interaction into an opportunity for understanding, growth, and impact.
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