Event Responses
15 Funny things to say at a celebration of life

When the word celebration of a life comes to mind you just think it is a sad event in which everyone will be filled with emotions and they will pay tribute to the deceased.
However, at such an event humour can play an important role. It can bring joy and laughter to people who have lost their loved ones. Humour plays an important role in uplifting the mood of everyone around. But this humour needs to be light and very careful as this can hurt the family members.
We can only include humour from which the deceased will be represented in good words. Humour can play a meaningful role in uplifting the mood because:
Embracing Their Sense of Humour
Everyone has a different and unique sense of humour. Some might think that humour at such an event is an insult while others might think that it is good as it will lighten up the environment.
The humour at the celebration of life should be about how good the deceased was. How good moments were shared between both. Share some stories highlighting how he was a unique person who loved to joke around and pull the legs of other people.
These stories will not just lighten up the mood rather they will also remind everyone of the joy that the deceased brought into this world.Â
Favourite Jokes and One liners
You can share some jokes which he used to say when he was alive. Think about some jokes and one-liners which always brought a smile to everyone’s face.
You can also share about their favourite comedian or any stand up comedian you used to listen to. Sharing some light jokes can help set the environment and the deceased would have loved it if someone helped his family overcome the loss and have a light environment around them.Â
Quirks and Eccentricities
You should try to remember if the person had any unique way in which he used to joke around or any hilarious story that he has shared with you.
You could use their style of humour and joke around in that manner. Celebrating these quirks can be a wonderful way to cherish their individuality and the special traits that made them who they were.
Light hearted Tributes
You should pay tribute to the deceased. Incorporating some light humour into their tribute could be a great idea.
The best way of doing this is by creating a slide show or an album in which you could attach all his funny photos or videos.
Apart from this, you can create short sticky notes of all the jokes he used to crack and pass them around to everyone. This way everyone will have some jokes of his and the environment will also lighten up. Â
Balancing Emotions
Humour makes a bridge between grief and celebrations, it allows the guests to lighten up their mood.
However jokes need to be according to the environment, it should not feel like you are making fun of the deceased. By sharing jokes and his pictures you are paying tribute to him but this doesn’t mean disrespecting the dead.
You can also ask the family for permission to do all these activities, if they agree then only do these things otherwise it will have an adverse effect.Â
Celebrating Their Legacy
Incorporating humour in the celebration of life is to add flavours of joy and love. The deceased person needs to be paid tribute to his comedic personality.
If we pay tribute and celebrate their legacy it will remind people to be happy and it will also show people how their life brought happiness and peace to their friends and family. By sharing funny stories you make sure that the spirit of the deceased has a happy journey.Â
Funny things to say at a celebration of life:
- Remember the time when he fell from the stairs?
- Remember the day when he brought a raccoon to the house?
- Does anyone miss his daily puns?
- His driving skills were as good as his cooking skills 0/10.Â
- Remember the time he accidentally rang the fire alarm and the whole building came out?
- Remember when he joked about a snake in the shirt and a snake got there?Â
- Here’s to the person who could make even a rainy day feel like a comedy show!Â
- His ability to turn anything into a joke was amazing.
- He was as tall as chipmunks.
- His holiday traditions were hilarious, dressing up like Santa and then dressing up like scobby doo.Â
- He could be asking the angel for a sandwich right now.
- He was a really good cook only the worst part of he knew how to cook noodles only.Â
- Let’s raise a glass in his name.
- If he were here he would be asking to order pizza.
- He was a total freak and never used to do anything straight.Â
Incorporating humour in the celebration of life is a personal choice. If a person is humour and joyful we should incorporate it as it will lighten up the mood.
The environment and mood are already sad and depressed, if we would incorporate some sort of humour this would uplift the mood of everyone. We can use funny stories, light-humoured jokes, or any thing which will help the deceased family and friends.
Involving humour can be a good idea but sometimes it can backfire if people don’t understand humour and they will try to make you stop. Asking for the family’s permission is a must.Â
Hey there! I'm Hareem, a psychology pro and a Passionate Blogger who's obsessed with understanding how we connect, communicate, and create meaning through our messages.
At Response Seek, we're not just talking. We're decoding the subtle language of human connection, turning each interaction into an opportunity for understanding, growth, and impact.

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