50 Best Responses To Apology

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Best Response to apology


After any sort of disagreement, we must offer an apology to the one we have misunderstanding with. If we want to build the trust and relationship, or else we might break the connection or trust we have built for long.

We need to apologise in a very sincere way from our heart, we should not apologies just to take it over our head. Also, the person to whom we have apologised needs to react in a certain way, if he or she really thinks our apology was sincere and from our heart.

Best Response To Apology

 Recognizing Apologies

It is a crucial aspect to recognise the apology, that it is from the heart or it is just a show off. There are certain ways to identify if the person is genuinely sorry and he wants to mend things.

He must recognize what his or her mistake was and not justifying any mistake that he or she has done, this actually shows that he is actually apologetic. A sincere apology acknowledges the impact of their behaviour on you.

Once they have recognized this now, they show how committed they are to actually bringing a change in themselves and how would they mend the things. Now lastly, the offer to correct themselves and try their best to mend things in a way that will help continue the relationship for long and this will really show how honest and sincere the apology Truely is.

Best Response To Apology


Reacting to an apology

When a person who is at wrong apologies this shows that his intentions were pure and they would like to mend the relationship. There could be certain responses to an apology; if you think that the apology was sincere you should accept it and move on.

If you think it was not sincere and you need time to think you can communicate it to the other person.

After accepting the apology, one should also set cetin boundaries for the future that if any issue happens in future the other person knows what are the expectations of the other person and they apologies or recognize the errors in a certain way.

 Responding to a non-apology

There are certain scenarios where a person doesn’t really have regret and is just trying to show himself good and making excuses. To identify a non apology we must see if the other person is using words like If you felt insulted, I apologize.” “I apologize but you have to see things from my perspective.

” Then we should set certain boundaries and if we would like to mend things with the person or just let it go. If a person doesn’t realise his mistake even after he knows he is wrong isn’t worth wasting time over.

 How important is timing

Timing is very important, if a person is really angry, we should leave him for some time and its not at all the right time to apologize. And the person who is angry should also wait some time before replying as in anger he might say things that can be hurtful to the other person.

Best Response To Apology

Forgiveness Function

It can take some time to forgive someone and is a personal decision. You may not always be able to forgive someone just because they apologized.

You can still process your emotions and appreciate their effort at the same time. If one is not really ready for forgiving someone, he should take a step back for certain time period and he should convey the other person that he is taking a step back for some time and will get back to you.

 Role of empathy

While handling apology empathy is the most important tool. It makes interactions more compassionate by enabling you to see things from their point of view. We should try to see thing from more than one perspective.

We might really think we are right and the other person is always wrong but that might not be the case always we should try to see things from other persons point of view Aswell. Also, if we realise that we are wrong we should have empathy in our words.

We should not have a bossy attitude. We can have more meaningful conversations if we are aware of others’ emotions. We should all be courteous and mindful of others feelings including our own when we reply to someone’s apology.

Whether you choose to accept genuine apologies or not to apologize yourself how you respond now will have a significant impact on future interactions.

Best Response To Apology

50 Best Responses To Apology

  1. There is absolutely no issue we should now move on.
  2.   You have my forgiveness please stop apologizing so much!
  3.   Most importantly you have acknowledged that everyone makes mistakes. I now grant you forgiveness.
  4.   Thanks so much for being so open and sincere in your apology.
  5.   None of the worries at all what matters is that we are on the same page.
  6.   Thank you for being honest and elucidating that lets just leave it at that and move on.
  7.   I’m glad we can proceed positively and I accept your apologies.
  8.   Its all right I know what actually transpired that evening and there is no ill will between us.
  9.   Entirely understood let’s concentrate on moving forward and enjoying more enjoyable moments together.
  10. Let’s move on to better things in life there is nothing to be upset about.
  11. “I really needed this, thanks for coming and appoligizing.”
  12. “You seem sincere and I value the time you took to apologize.
  13. Its okay I know things can get complicated sometimes but your apology is what really matters
  14. We both feel better now that you said something so Im glad.
  15. I appreciate your maturity and forgive you for your apology.
  16. I appreciate your honesty it really helps to put our differences behind.
  17. “I appreciate your willingness to apologize; it shows that our friendships really matters and you value our friendship.”
  18. “if you think i dont get your point you are wrong, i am forgiving you.”
  19. “i am forgiving you completely, i know it takes alot of courage to actually appoligize.”
  20. “I feel relieved as you have taken the charge on you.”
  21. Thank you for apologizing it demonstrates your concern for my feelings.
  22. It brings us closer once more so Im glad we can discuss this. .
  23. I accept your apology. Lets move on to the good things in life going forward.
  24. I appreciate your sincerity and the fact that youre coming to me I know you didnt mean to hurt me.
  25. Weve all been there so its alright and Im happy we can go on.
  26. I feel so much better because of your candor. Thank you.
  27. Lets move on from this I appreciate your attempt to make things right. . You value our relationship so much that you were willing to apologize.
  28. Thank you for being so honest it truly helps both of us get over our experiences.
  29. It means the world to me that you have acknowledged the issue. Thank you.”I appreciate your thoughtfulness in reaching out; it shows you care.”
  30. Hearing you apologize is wonderful it helps me feel heard and understood.
  31.  We both feel better when we can talk about things like this so Im glad. . .
  32.  Im glad to move on your apologies is a positive step.
  33. You appreciate our relationship so I appreciate you taking the time to apologize.
  34. It means a lot that you are willing to make amends.
  35. I know everyone makes errors from time to time so its okay.
  36. Thank you for being honest it benefits both of us. .
  37. Your apologies are acknowledged lets concentrate on the wonderful moments to come.
  38. It demonstrates your character that you were bold enough to apologize. Thank you.
  39. Thank you for making the necessary corrections it really helps.
  40. I know you didnt mean to hurt me so its okay
  41. I appreciate your genuine apologies they are very helpful.
  42. Im relieved that we can have a conversation it strengthens our bond.]
  43. Thank you for your apology lets move on from this.
  44. It means a lot that you could relate to how I was feeling. Thank you.
  45. Thank you for your apology lets concentrate on the future together.
  46. I am grateful that you are open to discussing it.
  47. Your apologies demonstrates your concern and Im glad we can proceed together.
  48. I know we both were wrong but still you apologized so thankyou
  49. You are a great person and i would love to continue a relationship with you.
  50. You apology really lightened my mood.

Best Response To Apology


Conclusively, if a person is sincerely apologising to us, we should forgive her or her and we should also try to mend things. If the apology is sincere or not and then your reaction on it will have a great impact on your future.

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