30 Thank You For Making Me A Mother To Husband

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30 Thank You For Making Me A Mother To Husband


The journey to becoming a mom is, however much it is dreamt about, one of the most dramatic and life-altering experiences that can ever happen to a woman.

It was full of joyful and troublesome moments but filled with overwhelming love that words can never explain.

So, here I am, forever grateful to my husband for making this incredible journey possible.

There are several ways through which one can show her husband gratitude for the gift he has given to her: making her a mother.

Some such ideas have been elaborated on as follows:


Make Something Personal

Get a photo book that says thank you, put together chronicling your pregnancy and child’s first year. Or perhaps commission a custom piece of art that will stand as a symbol of your family.

A personalized gift shows you’ve put thought and effort into expressing gratitude.

You can relive great memories together by looking through a photo book, and a customized art piece will become a perpetual reminder of the love in your family. Think about adding their hand or footprints or even some of their artwork for that extra special touch.



Gratitude Jar

Make a gratitude jar where you and your husband can drop all your notes of appreciation toward each other.  Then, every week during a special family time, take turns reading these notes out loud to each other.

This technique may help instill in both of you the value of gratitude and the ability to look back on the pluses of the relationship and parenting experiences.

With time, the jar will fill up with all the heartfelt messages that you can look up to on rough days and remind both of your love and support towards each other. 

Have A Family Appreciation Day

Organize a special day to celebrate your family and the role of your husband in it. Use this opportunity to plan activities that everybody gets happy out of like picnics or spending a day in the park, or you can do family night watching movies. That’s so emotional and Bondy, huh?

Join Together A Video Montage

Compile some video clips and photos of your journey as parents, from moments during pregnancy to the birth and celebration of milestones with your child.

Stitch them into a small mashup and surprise your husband by showing it to him. Accommodate it with a voiceover to express your heartfelt gratitude for his support and love. With a mash-up of the time you’ve spent together, it will surely evoke strong emotions.

Check Out: 30 Thank You Note For 50th Wedding Anniversary

Participate In A Hobby

Engage in some hobby or activity that both of you love to do. This can be cooking, gardening, playing some sport whatever.

It is time spent on a shared interest, which allows you to express gratitude through quality time. While you do it, praise and thank him for being so good at what he does and how much his participation in your lives and your children means.

Create A Family Vision Board

As a couple, have a family vision board that speaks to what you aspire to become in Christ as well as a family. Get pictures, quotes, goals, or images of what you would want to become as parents and partners.

This vision board helps to communicate well between the two of you for the future but allows you to show appreciation for the journey on which you both embarked and the family that is being built.

Design A “Thank You” Weekend Getaway

Design a weekend getaway that acts like a relaxant and a reconnection with your husband. Visit a place where both of you feel connected to something you specialize in, such as a cabin or a beach resort.

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