A touch of humour can work magic when trying to bid farewell to a colleague.
It is going to be unforgettable, all the more so when you are bidding farewell to that coworker who is leaving your company to take up other offers, and it can turn the atmosphere different to leave an unforgettable impression. You can use the tips mentioned below.
Keep It Personal
While writing your farewell message, do try to make it at a personal level as possible. Put inside jokes or a reference to some experience, or sometimes maybe some funny anecdotes that only you and your colleague might know.
It would show that you have taken your time and thought about the message to be more meaningful and memorable.
Use Humour Wisely
While humor is great for adding some lightness to a farewell message, it has to be done very tactfully.
Avoid any jokes or remarks that can be construed as offensive or off colour to anyone. Light-hearted humor works well here.
Highlight Their Contributions
Not to forget the funny, be sure to underscore the colleague’s contribution to the team and the overall positive impact they’ve made in the office.
Mention specific projects they have worked on skills they brought to the table, and ways they made your job easier or enjoyable.
Keep It Brief
While it has to be personal and from the heart, still try to keep it short. One or two good sentences or a short paragraph is enough.
Nobody wants to have to read a long rambling goodbye.
Incorporate Inside Jokes
Mix some inside jokes or shared experiences with the colleague, which might lend some personality to the message.
For example: “Remember that time we accidentally deleted the entire company database? Good times!”
Use Puns And Wordplay
A pun or, if you will, a clever play on words, is never far from any goodbye message, and it can add the element of humor.
Just remember not to get too carried away. For example: “I guess you could say I’m feeling a bit ‘ex stapler’ about you leaving!”
Offer Silly Advice
Give some ridiculous advice, tongue in cheek, to your colleague who’s leaving for their next adventure.
For example, “Remember to always keep a spare stapler in the desk drawer for emergencies!”
Remember memorable Moments
Think back to some of those really funny moments you’ve had with the person, and it will remind them of better times and therefore leave them smiling.
For example: “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the time we had a paper airplane contest and yours ended up stuck in the ceiling!”
Use Humorous Comparisons
Compare your colleague’s leaving to something funny or relatable. Like this: “Goodbye is as hard as trying to print any document in the office printer.”
Remember, the great of farewell funny messages depend on the appropriate proportion of humor and sincerity in its constitution.
You can ensure that the leaving message is hilarious by making use of inside jokes, puns, and wise suggestions in silly ways, sharing laughter through memorable moments, and applying comparisons with the humour intended.
End on a Positive Note
Finally, end the farewell message on a bright note. Wish them all the best in whatever is coming next, tell them you believe they will handle whatever comes their way, or remind them that in you, they will always have a friend.
This will leave them feeling uplifted and appreciated as they move into the next chapter.