17 Best Response to a Breadcrumber

Response Seek

17 Best Response to a Breadcrumber


Modern dating often means navigating encounters with “bread crumbing” individuals. Essentially, it is sending sporadic messages that are non-committal to a person to keep them interested but never intending to set a meaningful relationship.

Knowing how to handle the breadcrumber can be instrumental in emotional well-being and healthy boundaries.


What is Bread crumbing?

Bread crumbing is a sure-fire way to leave a person confused and unimportant. It is described as infrequent, shallow, and not committed communication.

People may breadcrumb for several reasons, either to keep the options open, boost the ego, or simply out of uncertainty about one’s feelings.

Being able to identify the patterns is the first step in dealing with them effectively.


1. Be Direct you

Once you have identified a bread you have to respond quickly and ask them for clarity. You have to tell them you cannot leave me hanging as a side option and I need clarity in this situation.

You have to ask him whether we have a future or not, if our relationship is just a time pass and we won’t have any future together then there is no benefit of this. 


2. Set Boundaries

You can explain that you do not appreciate time passing or anyone who keeps you as a second option.

You can explain how you need to be prioritised and how need quicker replies and messages.

You can tell him that I have certain expectations from you and from this relationship if you do not meet those expectations then we can call off this relationship and end it. 


3. Suggest Meeting Up

when you think a person is a breadcrumb then you must ask him to meet in person.

Usually when a person is not genuinely interested in you and you ask to meet him then he tries to change the topic or avoid meeting in public.

If a person is refusing meetings or trying to keep the whole relationship online then it can be a case of breadcrumb as he is just passing time with you and may not genuinely be interested in you. 


4. Express Your Worth

You must explain how you are not just a time pass for anyone and how you have value. You can tell him and taunt him about how he is just wasting her time and how he is avoiding a real relationship.

You can tell him if he is not interested in having a real relationship and keeping it online could be because he is underconfident, this might hurt his ego and he may not breadcrumb you any more. 


5. Politely Decline

Even after explaining and persuading him if he continues this behaviour then you must decline him.

You can tell him you do not appreciate this behaviour and you are not willing to continue this bread crumbing.

You can tell him that he is not meeting the expectations of her and that he is just using her to time pass. 


6. Seek Mutual Understanding

you can mutually decide and try to come to a humane decision. You can explain to him how you do not appreciate this behaviour and how can this end our relationship.

You can try to make a decision maturely and make him understand that you do not appreciate this breadcrumb and ignore the behaviour. 


7. Emphasize Respect

you need to explain how mutual respect is the basis of a relationship. If you keep on giving him support and response whereas there is no response from the other side this shows he doesn’t respect you and this is just a show off.

You also need to emphasize how his bread-crushing behaviour shows how he doesn’t respect her and makes her feel like a second option. 


8. Consider Moving On

You should try your best and save this relationship, even after a lot of effort if this relationship doesn’t work out and there is no proper response from your partner you should end this relationship.

You should make him realise his bread-crushing behaviour and how he is not doing what is expected from him, he is just keeping things as per his needs and not paying attention to keeping a long lasting relationship. 


Best response to a breadcrumb

  1. Let’s meet and see
  2. I would love to continue this but only if you are ready to meet. 
  3. What are you looking for? As you don’t seem serious about anything.
  4. Do you want this relationship or this is just another time pass for you?
  5. I am tired of working things out. Now only message me if you are serious. 
  6. You seem like a catfish as you don’t want to meet. ‘
  7. Why are you so hideous, are you even a boy? 
  8. I need a sincere relationship, I don’t want an online relationship.
  9. I want to move on to the next stage of life and you dont have time to reply me. 
  10. I think you should reconsider if you want to be with me or not. 
  11. I know what I am and if you think I will settle for breadcrumbs then you are wrong. 
  12. When you didn’t show up on a coffee date the first time I should’ve understood. 
  13. I am not interested in your low communication efforts scheme.
  14. If you are interested then next time just come to my place or this is my last text to you. 
  15. Let’s take a break and think over your choices whether you want to be with me or not. 
  16. I need to feel respect and honour while communicating. It feels like only one-sided. 
  17. Can we talk about what we both want from this? 



Dealing with a breadcrumber can be so frustrating, but it is really all about responding clearly and confidently.

This will help you safeguard your emotional well-being by setting limits on what you want and how to be treated by other people, therefore developing more meaningful relations.

In any case, it means being protective of one’s interests and setting the boundaries that shall set the tone for a better life of dating.


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