Dealing with a narcissistic person can be a difficult task as they are usually full of themselves. Usually, narcissistic people don’t think about other people well well being and they only think about themselves.
When dealing with a narcissistic person we should try incorporating humor which can ease up the situation and also help in replying to the other person. Humor can help in dealing with the self centred behaviour of narcissists.
Who are Narcissists?
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition where people have an unreasonable feeling of their importance.
They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. The ability to understand or care about other people’s feelings may be lacking in people with this disorder.
You can use the following tips mentioned to incorporate humor while dealing with a narcissistic person.
Keep It Light
You should use light humor. Dealing with a narcissistic person can be complex as they get offended easily and threaten you over small things.
You should first try to observe the person about what is his nature and why is he the way he is. Your humor might be funny to you and you might think it will ease the matter instead it could escalate the matter and the situation can take a U turn.
Your aim should be calming the matter making things easier for both and resolving the matter before that narcissist escalates it, so use very soft and light humor.
Use Sarcasm Wisely
For dealing with a narcissist you can always use the lighter side. You can use some light hearted remarks which are not derogatory.
Although it is a hard task to maintain your sanity you should try not to lose your cool and go with a verbal spat with a narcissistic person.
If the narcissist is too offensive you may try to use some punch line or joke that will calm him down.
Maybe say something like ‘Take a chill pill.’ using sarcasm inappropriately can be very dangerous in front of a narcissist as it can make the person angry and they may take this sarcasm personally and deal with you accordingly. Your humor needs to be according to a person’s sarcasm level.
Redirect the Conversation
Narcissists usually take the conversations very seriously and they try to show how they are the boss. They are usually very dominant and just think of themselves so you can use humor in this situation and change the topic of the conversation.
You need humor in this situation because if you will directly say anything else then the person might get more offended.
You need to slightly change the topic using humor, you can say how’s the weather or anything else that will change the topic.
Set Boundaries
You can set the limits without being confrontational simply by adding a bit of humor.
For instance, if they realize that this demand is too unreasonable, then you will tell them, “Sure, right after I finish my magic trick of adding extra hours into the day.”
It tends to show them how ridiculous their demand is but in a light manner. You can also tell them that you cannot continue with this behavior as it is causing issues and you cannot meet certain expectations of that person.