12 Funny Things to say when someone asks for money

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12 Funny things to say when someone asks for money


When someone asks for money it’s a weird situation because sometimes you are willing to give money and sometimes you don’t want to give money to the other person.

If you want to give money to the person or not entirely depends on who is asking for it.

Sometimes a person who never returns his debt asks you for money then you will be unsure whether to give him money or not, however, if a close relation or a person with a good record of giving money back asks you for money then you may consider giving him a loan.

Anyways, you can use certain types of humour when a person asks for money. 


Who is the Person in Question 

When someone asks you money, you have two options either give him money or make some excuse. But selecting the options between two will depend who is the person asking for money.

If it’s a close relative and you have trust that he will return the money then you can give him money however if the person is any colleague or friend that you know can do issues while giving money back then you can say him no.

while directly refusing him to give money maybe a bit offensive and the other person might mind it so you can use some humour to refuse him. 


Be Honest But Light

you can be honest about your situation and you can directly refuse the person but this needs to be light.

If you will directly start mocking the other person or make fun of him in a sarcastic way for asking money he might mind it.

This matter is very sensitive and when someone asks you for money you need to be kind and use soft humour while refusing him, you can say that it’s the end of the month and even I am broke or anything which is light humoured. 


12 Funny things to say when someone asks for money


You can set certain boundaries and tell the person how you are saving for a particular item and you wont be able to lend him money.

You can also tell in advance to your friends and family that you are off limits when it comes to asking money.

You can do say in a humorous way that you wont give loan or lend money to anyone as you are not saving to buy an aeroplane, this way people will understand and will also not mind you. 


Alternative Idea

When someone asks you for money you can offer them any alternative. You can joke about how there is a new children’s bank opened and how they are giving loans to individuals.

You can tell them alternatives like asking bank or maybe arranging them any other source. 


Maintain Empathy 

When someone asks you for money he must be in a difficult position. No one asks money just for fun other person maybe in a difficult situation and may want your help.

You need to have empathy and reply him accordingly. You must use humour where it is required and it should not hurt anyone.

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